
Management Philosophy

"Bridging Business between China and Local Companies"


Supporting the expansion of businesses of companies that are taking on challenges in Japan and China

ST Trading Co., Ltd. was established in May 2017. In order to serve as a bridge between China and Japan, we have been importing and exporting products that meet the needs of our customers.
The relationship between Japan and China has a long history. It's an inextricably important neighbor for both sides. I was educated in both countries, spoke their languages, and learned the cultures and histories of both countries in order to contribute to the betterment of this relationship. I hope to contribute to the coexistence and co-prosperity of both countries.
Quality requirements in Japan are said to be the most stringent in the world, and there is a need to improve the quality of Chinese products. In order to achieve quality stability, our company is committed to providing added value as a trading company that can provide total support from plant search, product management system examination and trial production, to mass production and pre-shipment inspection.
As the company continues to expand, we will strive to grow with our business partners and customers. We will contribute to the happiness of all who support us.

Representative Director Satoshi Kondo

After graduating from Niigata University, he worked at a semiconductor manufacturing company for 10 years. During his tenure, he was transferred to China, where he was engaged in the establishment of new businesses and trade business for about seven years. In 2017, he established ST Shoji Co., Ltd. based on his personal connections and business experience in China. As a bridge between Japan and China, it develops trade wholesale business and OEM product business.
Executive Director of the General Company-Operated Japan China Soshokai
Vice Chairman and Secretary General of Niigata Chuka Soshokai

About US

Company name ST Shoji Co., Ltd.
Location 17 -37, Meike 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Niigata 950 - 0941, Japan
TEL 025-278-3197
Representative Satoshi Kondo, Representative Director
Established 2017
Business Lines Trading wholesale, OEM products business
Product Examples Daily products for Japan and beauty products for China
